3463 Fairmount Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
(216) 397-9643
What We’re doing to keep you safe
Stations will be at least six feet apart
Employees nor guests will be permitted on the premises if they have COVID-19 symptoms
Guests will be served by appointment only
Guests will be greeted at the FRONT FAIRMOUNT ROAD ENTRANCE
If the salon is at capacity, guests will receive a text when they can enter the premises, as you may choose to wait in your car or a separate indoor area in the adjoining annex, with appropriate social distancing.
Do NOT bring in newspapers, books, magazines, pamphlets, etc.
The number of guests on the premises will be limited to 50% of normal capacity
1 guest per service provider
Employees and guests will wear protective face masks
All equipment used by a service provider will be sanitized between guests
Clean/sanitized capes and smocks for each guest
Guest will be expected to wash their hands or use sanitizer upon entering the salon company
Doors and exits will be sanitized
There will be NO readable material available
At this time we will not be able provide candy, cookies, or beverages.
We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.
— Blandit Lectus